
Researching Labour Migration Studies: Data, Methods, and Theories

International Institute for Population Sciences under the aegis of the South Asia Center for Labour Mobility and Migrants (SALAM) is organising a five-day workshop on “Researching Labour Migration in South Asia: Data, Methods, and Theories”. The workshop will be held on 13-17 December 2022 on a virtual platform.
The proposed workshop will contribute to the reinforcement of participants’ capacity to enhance their research skills and understanding of migration.

Application Deadline is 6 December 2022.

Registration Fee: INR 1000/- (One Thousand only). The shortlisted candidates will be communicated for the payment of registration fee. The certificate will be issued to the participants.

In case you have any queries please write to the SALAM secretariat: [email protected]

Application Form: To register, kindly fill-in the online registration form available through the google form link given below.

Google form: Link


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