
NHRC to guard workers n foreign job

Taking it as a serious human rights issue, National Human Right Commission is developing a policy paper on safe migration. “The commission is developing a policy paper to protect women migration rights and safeguard them from human trafficking,“ said Padma Mathema, National Rapporteur on Trafficking. “We are consulting stakeholders on safe migration and possible anti-trafficking moves,“ she said, adding that the commission is entering the women migration sector after reports of increased trafficking in women and girls under the garb of foreign employment. Thousands of women in foreign jobs are undocumented.

Hundreds have suffered and are still suffering from exploitation and abuses. And many of them are committing suicide every year in host countries. According to data provided by NHRC, three women died following exploitation and abuse in 2008-09, and 20 in the last year. Only 29,000 women migrant workers are recorded with the Department of Foreign Employment while independent estimates put it at 1,40,000.

According to Non-Resident Nepalese Association, 1,40,500 Nepali women were in overseas jobs in 2009.

Most of the women migrant workers are illiterate, unskilled and unaware of safe migration, said executive director of Foreign Employment Promotion Board Sthaneshwor Devkota.

n Paurakhi, a non-governmental organisation worke ing for safe migration, suggests to adopt preventive d and curative measures si multaneously to control e trafficking.

There are many factors associated with women mie gration that lead them to become victims of traffickn ing. So, counter measures t also have to be multi-din mensional, said Manju Gurung, president of Paurakhi.

Published on: 7 May 2011 | The Himalayan Times

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