
Procedure for Sending Specified Skilled Workers to Japan 2024 (2080)

Procedure for Sending Specified Skilled Workers to Japan 2024 (2080)

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Foreign Employment (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2076 (2019)

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Foreign Employment (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2075 (2019)

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Foreign Employment (Third Amendment) Rules, 2074 (2017)

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Foreign Employment Life Insurance Directives

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Domestic Workers Orientation Skill Development Training Curriculum

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Directives for Sending Domestic Workers for Foreign Employment, 2072 (2015)

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Foreign Employment (Second Amendment) Rules, 2071 (2014)

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Foreign Employment Tribunal Rules, 2012

The Rules has been introduced in accordance with Article 85 of the Foreign Employment Act 2007.

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Foreign Employment Policy, 2012

The foreign employment policy was passed by the parliament on 24 February 2012. The Policy has been formulated to give direction for the effective management of foreign employment and to make the process of migration safe and accessible by overcoming the shortcomings of the prevailing Acts and Rules in addressing problems related to foreign employment.

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Foreign Employment (First Amendment) Rules, 2011

This is the first amendment of the Foreign Employment Rules 2008.

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Foreign Employment Rules, 2008

The Rules were framed to implement the power conferred by Section 85 of the Foreign Employment Act, 2064 (2008). It sets out rules concerning selection of institution or worker, provisions relating to license, provisions relating to prior approval and selection of workers, provisions relating to training, fund, board, tribunal, and other miscellaneous rules.

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Foreign Employment Act, 2007

The Act was made to amend and consolidate laws relating to foreign employment. ‘Preamble: Whereas, it is expedient to amend and consolidate laws relating to foreign employment in order to make foreign employment business safe, managed and decent and protect the rights and interests of the workers who go for foreign employment and the foreign employment entrepreneurs, while promoting theat business.’

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Foreign Employment Rules, 1999

The Rules were framed to exercise the power conferred by Section 27 of the Foreign Employment Act, 2042 (1985). It lists out provisions concerning issuance and renewal of license, insurance, labour attaché, inspection, etc.

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Foreign Employment (Second Amendment) Act, 1998

The Act was amended for the second time in 1992.

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Immigration Rules, 1994

The Rules were formulated by the government to exercise powers conferred by Immigration Act of 2049. It lays down rules for provisions for relationship visa, conduct and terms to be upheld at the time of entrance and departure and other miscellaneous rules.

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Immigration Act, 1992

The Act was made to provide for immigration.‘Preamble: Whereas, it is expedient to regulate as well as control the entry of the foreigners into the Kingdom of Nepal, their presence therein and their departure therefrom, and to manage the arrival and departure of the citizens of Nepal.’

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